Five Tips for Taking Care of Your Mouth After Oral Surgery

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Oral surgery can be a daunting process, not only in terms of the procedure itself but also in terms of post-operative care. Taking care of your mouth properly after oral surgery can prevent infections and speed up healing time, leading to a more comfortable recovery. Today's blog post shares five tips for taking care of your mouth after oral surgery.

Follow Your Dentist's Post-Operative Instructions

Your dentist will give you a thorough list of instructions on how to take care of your mouth after the surgery. Make sure you follow each instruction precisely and ask for any clarifications you need. Additionally, your dentist will prescribe pain medication to help manage any discomfort and reduce inflammation. You should follow the prescribed medicine regime for optimal results.

Keep Yourself Hydrated

Drinking plenty of fluids will keep your body hydrated and help flush out any toxins that may be lingering in your system. Consuming lots of fluids will also help keep your mouth moist and prevent it from getting dry, which can lead to complications. Be sure to avoid drinking any alcoholic or acidic beverages like soda, coffee, or tea. Stick to water or other recommended fluids according to your post-surgery guidelines.

Rest Up and Avoid Strenuous Activities

Rest is key to allowing your body to heal after oral surgery. Physical exertion can put a strain on your body and can worsen your condition. It is important to avoid any strenuous activities for the first few days after your surgery to allow your body to heal. You could also consider taking time off from work if it won't negatively affect you in the long run.

Ensure Your Diet Comprises of Soft and Nutritious Foods

To ensure your body gets the necessary nutrients, consume soft and nutritious foods that will not interfere with the surgery site. Soups, smoothies, and soft-cooked vegetables are easy on your mouth and will not cause any irritation to the affected area. Try to limit your sugar and carb intake and stick to high-nutrient foods so that your body has the proper energy and resources to help recover and fight off any infections.

Avoid Smoking and Drinking

Smoking and drinking after oral surgery can delay your healing process and lead to potential complications. Smoking can slow down your blood flow and interfere with your healing by inhibiting the supply of oxygen-rich blood to your gums. Alcohol can also weaken your immune system, making your body more susceptible to infections. By avoiding these harmful habits, you will speed up your recovery process and improve your overall health.

Taking good care of your mouth is crucial after oral surgery, not just for quick recovery but also for your overall health. Keep your mouth clean, stay hydrated, avoid strenuous activities, eat soft and nutritious foods, and avoid smoking and drinking. Above all, always follow your dentist's post-operative instructions to ensure you make a full and speedy recovery. If you have additional questions, speak to your oral surgeon for more information.
