6 Common Pediatric Dental Problems To Looks For In Your Child

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Taking good care of your child's oral health should be a priority even before their first teeth erupt. This ensures that their teeth come in without any complications. Once a child has all of their teeth at the age of three, this is a good time to take them for their first pediatric dental visit.

A pediatric dentist, along with your help, can help to identify and treat the following common pediatric dental problems.

1. Thumb sucking

Thumb sucking leads to the need for braces later in life. The constant pressure of the thumb on the front teeth pushes them outwards. This changes the way the teeth come together. Prolonged thumb sucking causes an overbite or an open bite. If you spot thumb sucking early, you can save your child the stress of having to undergo orthodontic treatment later in life.

2. Tongue thrusting

Some young children have a habit of pushing their teeth against their front teeth when swallowing. The correct position is on the roof of the mouth. This problem can cause the same issues as thumb sucking. As such, spotting this problem early is essential.

3. Canker sores

Canker sores generally indicate stress, anxiety, poor oral health or bad eating habits. If your child suffers with canker sores regularly, find the cause and treat it. And, to give your child some relief, your pediatric dentist can treat the ulcers with vitamin B or some gel to soothe the pain.

4. Tooth decay

Check your child's teeth for decay regularly. Very early decay appears as white spots on the teeth. At this stage, the damage is reversible. But if it progresses beyond that, a filling or crown will be necessary.

5. Tooth sensitivity

If your child has sensitive teeth, it could be because they have dental decay, or because their teeth are worn. If your child likes to chew on ice, this can cause excessive wear and tear. Try to find the cause and book an appointment with your pediatric dentist. A pediatric dentist can do a thorough examination of your child's teeth to determine the cause of the sensitivity.

6. Loose teeth

It's very important that your child's teeth fall out naturally. When a baby tooth comes out naturally, this means the adult tooth is ready to come through. But if a tooth falls out too early due to trauma or dental decay, the adult tooth won't be ready to come through. This can cause the tooth to come in crooked later. And sometimes, tooth decay can even attack the adult tooth before it erupts!

If your child has a tooth that is loose before its time, take your child to see a pediatric dentist. A pediatric dentist can splint a loose tooth to prevent it from coming out early.

Has your child seen a pediatric dentist for their first checkup yet? If not, book an appointment soon. Together, you and your pediatric dental service provider can prevent the aforementioned problems from occurring.
