Signs That Your Child Needs To Be Seen By The Dentist
Beyond taking your children to the dentist for their twice-yearly checkups and ensuring that their teeth are brushed regularly, you will need to remain diligent in looking for signs that they might be having dental problems. This way, you will know when it is time to schedule an immediate appointment to have them seen by a pediatric or family dentist. Here are some of the signs of dental problems that you will want to watch out for:
Refusing To Eat Favorite Foods That Are Crunchy
If your child is suddenly no longer wanting his or her favorite crunchy foods and is instead always opting for softer foods that do not require as much chewing, then this could be a sign of a problem. Since some children have a fear of dentists, they may be afraid to mention any pain that they might be experiencing when chewing food. So, a sudden change in food interests could be a sign of something wrong. Ask your child if there is a reason he or she is not wanting to eat certain foods anymore and speak with a dentist if you are still suspicious that there is something wrong.
You See Blood On The Toothbrush
Whether your children are young and you still brush their teeth, or you are merely observing them brush their own teeth, if you spot what looks like blood on the toothbrush, then you will want to schedule an appointment with the dentist. The cause of the bleeding could be anything from an infection that caused the gums to break open some to gum disease. You will need the expertise of a trusted dentist to diagnose the cause and to provide you with treatment options.
The Gums Are Inflamed
If you notice that your child winces in pain when his or her gums are touched, or you are told that they hurt, you will want to schedule an appointment with a dentist. Do not make the mistake of assuming that the gums have nothing to do with the teeth themselves so you don't need the help of a dentist. Dentist's are able to help diagnose and treatment problems with the gums, especially since the poor condition of the gums can impact the teeth in a negative way, such as when there is an infection present.
When in doubt, always talk with your trusted family or pediatric dentist so you can ensure that the oral health of your children is always protected.