What Your Dentist Wants You To Know About Essential Oils For Tooth Pain

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When you have sudden tooth pain or sensitivity, you may begin looking online for a solution. This is especially true if you have limited funds or no dental insurance. When you check online, you will likely see essential oils mentioned as a go to for home tooth pain treatment. Before you grab your nearest essential oil sales representative and place your order, consider the things your dentist would want you to know about the use of oils for tooth pain.

Masking the Pain

One of the first things your dentist would probably warn against is the overuse of oils. For example, clove oil is the leading oil used in tooth pain cases for a natural remedy. The oil numbs the area and helps stop the immediate pain. But if you continue to do this, your tooth and gum area will begin to build up a resistance to the natural remedy. This means that you may be using more and more of the oil to stop the pain when in fact it is just masking the pain. The problem is still there and the oil is just keeping it at bay. You still need to see a dentist if the pain persists past a day or two and find out what the source of the pain is instead of just masking it.

All Oils Aren't Created Equally

If you hear that an essential oil may help your tooth pain, you may reach for the cheapest or most readily available option. The problem with this is that not all essential oils are created the same. In fact, some may not be indigestible. Other oils may be diluted with a carrier oil or other oil mixes that are not good for your system. For example, you may not want to have something like vegetable oil in your mouth, but you may be doing just that if you don't know what type of oil you are buying or what to look for. Instead, look for only food grade oils that are pure and not diluted. Also, check the label for the Latin name of the plant or herb. That will show you that it has the actual plant in the mix and combined with the food grade label is safe to use on your tooth.

It is Only Temporary

Keep in mind that essential oils are similar to over-the-counter remedies in that they are only temporary. Your dentist would probably want you to know that although they may help with initial pain, essential oils are not meant to fix the root of the problem. The pain is still caused by a deeper issue, and the dentist needs to see that issue in order to stop the pain, stop further issues, and prevent tooth decay. Make sure the oils are only a temporary solution for a day or two until you can get into a budget-friendly clinic, emergency clinic, or local general dentistry office.

If you are unsure of which oils may be best for your tooth pain, make sure to ask at your next dental visit. Most dentists will suggest the ones they prefer you use, stay away from, or keep on hand. They will also tell you the proper way to use them as well.
